Toy boxes, pencil boxes, music boxes, tool boxes, cigar boxes, sewing boxes, candy boxes . . . I love boxes! But for many years, I didn't truly realize how much I loved them, how many I had shelved in my bookcases. But my favorite box is a wooden Velveeta Cheese box that I've had FOREVER. This box appears in my coming-of-age, YA-novel, HONEYSUCKLE HOLIDAY. It holds the main character's -- Lucy's -- most prized possessions: a brass skeleton key, a cracked doll's head, a heavy pink lead toy pig, a rusted pocket watch, and a red velvet toy clutch. Lucy takes it with her everywhere she goes. And everybody wants it! Do you remember the treasures that Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird carried in her box? What kind of boxes do you like? And what treasures do you carry in your boxes?